Friday, October 31, 2008

Aphpkb Status

New Release - Aphpkb-0.92.7

This release includes fixes to the database file (akb.sql) and also includes a new installation process:

* On a new install (KBINSTALL = 0), page is referred to /path-to-aphpkb/install/

* Release notes (/path-to-aphpkb/docs/README) is displayed

* Step 1 thru 5 to configure Aphpkb (Database, Knowledgebase Options, Plugins and Admin details.

* Config file is written (/path-to-aphpkb/config/config.php) and KBINSTALL set to 1.

* Process returns to /path-to-aphpkb/install/ and registers the Admin user and link to the knowledgebase home page.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Aphpkb Status

New Release

Aphpkb 0.92.6 includes improved documentation and improved listing of pending articles, comments and questions for the kb administrator. It is now possible for the kb administrator to delete questions and to answer/edit.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Aphpkb Status

Here's a wrap-up of where I've been at:

Aphpkb - released aphpkb-0.92.5 over the weekend - this fixed quite a few bugs which were introduced when I changed the admin authentication from PHP-AUTH to the Author's table, I am pleased to say these have been resolved and the long standing issue of using Aphpkb where PHP_AUTH is unavailable is now done and complete. IIS users might find using Aphpkb much easier now, but I am still keeping Apache as the recommended webserver with Aphpkb because even though I have a passing familiarity with IIS, I can support Apache better.

Aphpkb Status

Here's a wrap-up of where I've been at:

Aphpkb - released aphpkb-0.92.5 over the weekend - this fixed quite a few bugs which were introduced when I changed the admin authentication from PHP-AUTH to the Author's table, I am pleased to say these have been resolved and the long standing issue of using Aphpkb where PHP_AUTH is unavailable is now done and complete. IIS users might find using Aphpkb much easier now, but I am still keeping Apache as the recommended webserver with Aphpkb because even though I have a passing familiarity with IIS, I can support Apache better.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Aphpkb Status

New Release of Aphpkb - includes fixes for user authentication, pending article listings and viewing pending articles for the Admin. I would strongly recommend upgrading to 0.92.5 if you're currently using 0.92.x as the latest version appears to fix some long standing bugs.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Aphpkb Status

Today I have released a new version of Andy's PHP Knowledgebase (aphpkb), this release introduces a new article viewer script - v.php, it also includes improved admin authentication. HTML header and menu files have been moved to a 'html' directory for easy editing. this release also includes improved pending, approval and Q&A functions. Article tags, related articles, comments and article rating have bee re-implemented.

Andy's PHP Knowledgebase Home Page